Phew, I feel like it’s been a year
since I wrote last.... was that really only 7 days ago??? This week was a
growing experience for me, because I got the opportunity to lead 2 exchanges,
with sisters that have been out for less time than I have, therefore making me
the 'trainer'. Let me tell you, Miracles happen on exchanges!
On Tuesday, I got to enjoy Sis.
Ballard (distant relative of the apostle!!! no pressure, right? ;)) and Sis.
Houston for my first exchange. I was so worried, because Sis. Gardner wasn't
there, and she's the one that usually leads the companionship. I was so afraid
that all of our appointments were going to fall through, and I wouldn’t know
where to go or what to do... and sure enough, we got stood up 2 times in a row
and were left with around half an hour before our dinner appointment. I was
praying so hard that I would be able to figure out where the Lord wanted
us, and then, I got a subtle impression to go knock the houses around our apartment...
even though we had knocked those houses a few days before. I was confused, but
I went ahead and voiced the prompting, and we went. We knocked 4 or 5 houses
with nobody home, and we were about to turn home, when we decided to knock one
more house.
*knock knock!*
*inside door creaks open*
We couldn’t see who was inside,
because of the glare on their glass door, so I just kind of awkwardly plowed
into a door approach...
"Hello! My name is Sister
Derrick, and this is Sister Ballard and Sister Houston! What’s your name?"
*awkward hesitation*
"Oh! Rebeckah! Nice to meet
you! We're missionaries from the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
We were wondering if we could share a short message with you and your family
about Jesus Christ and his restored gospel!"
There was an awful 5 minute pause,
and I was about to turn around and say thanks anyways, when she blurted out
She came out of the house, and we
could see how exhausted and sad she looked... she just looked very defeated. We
asked if she would like to choose someone to say the opening prayer, and she
bowed her head and started praying on the spot. (Which is something that never
happens!) We were surprised, but more surprised by how she prayed. She said
the most beautiful prayer I've ever heard... it was just a simple conversation
with her Father in Heaven. We talked with her a bit, and were astonished to
find out that she was a less active member who had moved in the day before! She
was baptized 2 years ago, and she had been really struggling, thinking that God
had forgotten about her. I know that our Father in Heaven led us right to her,
because he knew that she needed to know that he still loved her and cared about
her. I know that God knows each and every one of us, and wants us to be happy.
On that exchange, we also had the opportunity
to meet Christine, who is one of my favorite investigators, full of spunk and Baptist
fire! She had asked Tatiana, one of our investigators, to send us over to her house
so she could learn a little more about this church that she had been going to.
Christine is a missionary for her church, but feels like it isn’t quite the
right fit for her. We told her about Relief Society, and she was SO EXCITED. She
came to church with us this weekend, complete with pink crown (it was her
birthday) and I HEART JESUS barrette in her hair. She even participated in Sunday
School! We're hoping she agrees to be baptized here pretty soon :)
Bryndee and Christine!
My second exchange, I got the opportunity
to go to Augusta to be with Sister Lusk. It was so fun!! My favorite
person we got to meet was Brother Walker, a less active, and the most sarcastic
man I've ever met. He speaks 4 languages, owns two dogs, a turtle, and a flock
of ducks, and has an awesome Santa Clause beard. He is also married to a Chinese
woman, and his whole family speaks Mandarin. He told me he was going to look me
up on facebook, and If he did, he probably has found the link to my blog. So,
Brother Walker, If you're reading this, you should really go to church on Sunday
Well, that was my week... I know
that the Lord had a huge hand in it, and that without Him, I would have never
been able to lead these sisters successfully this week. I've never had a
calling make me grow and stretch as much as this one has, but I've also never
been so grateful. This is truly the lords work, and I am so, so glad.
Have a blessed day, ya'll!
S. Derrick
In Georgia they call it Dolla Tree! She thinks she is so funny!
The Elder's tried to scare them...I don't think they did a very good job...That is a very ugly doll though!