You ever
have those weeks where you feel like Satan’s just picking on you? Where you are doing your darnedest to do what
you are supposed to do and nothing seems to go right? That was this week for me. We just had ridiculous thing after ridiculous
thing happen. Why? I’m not entirely sure. Maybe something amazing is about to happen…Who
knows. But what I do know is that this
week was really, really hard, but it was the Lord’s will for me. That’s one of the coolest things about the Gospel
I think…that I can know that nothing happens on accident, and I’m going to grow
from this week! J
about that J My week…the good, the
bad, and the freezing:
-Elena took
us to a plantation! This was probably my
favorite part of my week…it was way fun!
We walked around the Ashley River, re-enacted the Notebook on an old,
broken down dock, climbed a tower, got chased by a wild alligator (true story…Sister
Lamb filmed it…)petted a deer, ate “Mexican” food (not quite Los Favoritos… J) it was great fun. I felt like I was living in Tom Sawyer’s time!!!!
Bryndee is so excite to be petting a deer.
Yes that is a peacock above her head.
Bryndee and Clemson (her friend Elena's dog).
freeze. So, I’m on exchanges with Sister
Billin, and we get a text from the Zone Leaders…Major storm advisory for today around noon. Work close to your apartments & if
conditions are dangerous, (icy, sleet, or snowy) head into your apartments. GREAAAAAAT!
Next thing we know all of our appointments for the next 3 days have
texted us and cancelled. We un-exchange,
it starts to rain & the rain begins to freeze instantly as it hits the road…I’ve
never seen anything like it! So, we head
in, and spend the next few days locked up inside. Talk about stir-crazy! Saddest part…it didn’t even snow L
This isn't's ice! So very cold!
When we
finally did get to go out, it was stinkin’ cold! Luckily, we were able to scrounge up a few
people to teach J
-MLC: Most exciting news – Elder Zwick of the
Seventy will be coming to do a mission tour!
We learned a lot about budgeting, how to politely interrupt someone
(pretty much a survival skill in the south…) and having more faith. One of my favorite trainings came from
President Holm. He spoke on symptoms,
root causes, and solutions. We made a
list on the black board of problems our missionaries are having…disobedience, discouragement,
“floating”, etc. He talked about how
these are symptoms of a bigger root problem…lack of faith, or depth of
testimony. It changed the way I looked
at my assignment. I’m not here to nit-pick
at little obedience issues, but to help the Lord treat a bigger issue. I’m here to encourage, uplift, inspire, and
bless…to help the Sisters in my stewardship grow their faith. When we treat the root cause, the symptoms
take care of themselves. Anyways…cool
training! J
cool I found in the Scriptures: Right
now, I’m studying the war chapters in Alma.
Over and over again, the Lord promises the children of Lehi that if they
keep his commandments, they’ll prosper in the land. Now, with this promise, there can be two
trains of thought. Some might think “well,
the Lord’s taught me that if I just keep the commandments. I’m good.
I shouldn’t need to worry about anything else.” And that’s true to some extent. But this isn’t the direction Moroni’s people
seem to take. When the Laminates come,
they take up their arms and go take an active
role in helping the Lord keep his promises…and it says in Alma 50:23 “but
behold, there never was a happier time among the people of Nephi, then in the
days of Moroni…” I love that! When we
don’t just sit back, but take an active role in the Gospel by doing our
home/visiting teaching or sharing the Gospel, or letting someone know their
Father in Heaven loves them (whatever you can actively do, put it here J) We are SO MUCH HAPPIER!!
And on that
Ya’ll have a
blessed week!
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